My company deals with honey production and mother raising, in the future I would like to distribute bee pollen and royal jelly according to my professional and market options. Where does this idea come from? Once a friend of mine bring up the idea that he want to beekeeping. I got very excited and started it too. I looked up a few beekepers and then I was a member of an austrian field trip which was organized by austrian consulate of Pécs. There I could take an insight into a succesful austrian apiary – I decided that I want to create an apiary like this. I joined the beekeppers association, then I completed the OKJ beekeeping quilification. In 2006, I bought 14 hives and 8 families. In the first year I practiced the beekeeping mostly from books with promising results, which has grounded my commitment to beekeeping. In the second year my outcome was better and decided finally that I would like to deal with this. In 2008 I won a European Union tender for young farmers, this estabilished my innovations. Over four years I have got at that point where I can planning and hoping.

7673 Cserkút, Petőfi S. u. 9/A.
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